Welcome the twentieth national congress of communist party of china and strive for a new journaey


Welcome the twentieth national congress of communist party of china and strive for a new journaey

    On September 30, 2022, all Fadema's family gathered together to celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, celebrate the National Day with a happy smile, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

    In the morning of that day, the family members actively decorated the company with red five-star balloons to celebrate the National Day!


【Fly the national flag】


【Dress up】

In the afternoon,at 2pm, the celebration of "Welcome the Twentieth National Congress and Strive for a New Journey" officially started, with Li Zhibin as the host, everyone have all happy faces were pasted with national flag stickers, and singing the national anthem together.

Play and sing the national anthem

Then, we watched a series of videos such as What is China, China Span, China Precision, and China Depth together. We were shocked, proud, and filled with responsibilities. We eulogized the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and felt proud of the scientific and technological progress of the motherland, and felt proud to live in China!


【Watch the video】

While proud of the current prosperity of our motherland, we should not forget the history and carry out the knowledge contest of modern history. The main purpose is to let everyone firmly remember every important time node in modern China, remember the history, remember the martyrs, cherish the present, and make our generation stronger!


【Knowledge answer】

Of course, we Fadema people can't help praising our motherland. The following series of performances reflect that Fadema people, while respecting traditional culture, understand the laws of changes in the world, show the spirit of endless and tenacious struggle, and instantly push the activity to a climax.DSC_1467.jpg

【Performance - Wu's Taijiquan · Set】


【Performance - "Sing to the Motherland" sign language dance】


【Performance - Singing Great China】

At the end of the activity, President Mai, the leader of the activity, made a concluding speech, pointing out that we must listen to the voice of the Party, follow the Party, keep up with the pace of the country, welcome the 20th National Congress, and forge ahead on a new journey. Fadema people are stable and far sighted, work hard, and work together to achieve the second "centennial goal", achieve the socialist modernization and power, and realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!DSC_1503.jpg

【Concluding remarks】


【Group photo 1】


【Group photo 2】
